Services provided by IGS
- Details
- Category: Services
- Published: Sunday, 21 January 2018 06:38
- Hits: 7446
Our objective is to:
Establish the necessary protocols that lead to data collection and interpretative processes such that your Resource Estimation is compliant with the various reporting codes and will survive peer review by independent consultants.
Services Offered
Consulting/Contract basis
- Audit and assessment of existing date gathering and storage systems, including drilling practice, logging, sampling, data capture, data storage, interpretation and reporting.
- Audit and assessment of existing QA QC systems, and recommendations for compliance.
- Auditing of existing compliance procedures and quality control systems.
- Supplementing geological interpretation and/or auditing of the geological interpretation.
- Geologically sound Resource definition.
- Advice on exploration strategy and planning
- Procurement and vetting of contract drilling companies that provide compliance with the correct levels of confidence in sampling.
- Design of the variety of parameters that suit your specific needs, and to attain compliance with reporting codes and associated regulatory bodies.
- Design and documentation of procedures that will ensure compliance with reporting code, in all aspects of the data gathering process.
- Practical training and advice to existing staff on the methodologies and implementation of such procedures.
- Design and implementation of a geological database system, to the clients requirements, to facilitate the capture, storage, validation and reporting of all project critical data.
- Geological modelling on an ongoing basis, towards a robust resource estimate.
- Resource estimation and resource category definition compliant with reporting codes.
- Liaison with analytical laboratories.
- Liaison with reviewing consultants to ensure compliance with reporting codes and latest industry standards, so as to ease the public release of resource information, as well as minimizing costs relating to otherwise non compliant reporting.
Project Management
'Hands on' project management if required, including the provision of suitable geological and technical staff under direct supervision and management, including the performance of the following tasks:
- Supervision of drilling contractors.
- Geological mapping, logging and sampling.
- Data capture and validation.
- Geological interpretation.
- Project administration
- Presentation of the results to an audience of the client's choice.